1:1 private coaching

We empower biz owners/ coaches/ professionals to finally stop trying to DO your way to success and instead unearth who you need to BE, to be successful in a way that gives you freedom, expansion and your life back.
The fact that you are here on this page, you know you are ready for change and are aware of what you could or should be doing… and you know that you could be doing it easier with a coach!
This might be the first time you have explored what having a coach as your secret weapon could do for you,
you may have tried all the programs, read all the books, dabbled in coaching and become so frustrated because you have been working so hard on your life/ your business/ your relationships, and you are constantly asking yourself- why hasn’t it happened for me yet???
And I hear you, it is frustrating, because you do know what you should do, and on top of that you believe you should be able to make it all happen. And so the cycle goes on and on and on…
You might have been a great action taker at different times in your life whether it has been about getting healthier, or growing your business and making more money, or being a better partner or parent or friend, but you can’t seem to stick at it long term. When things get tough, or just don’t go to plan, you go back to all the old habits, the old patterns, the ‘default’ system settings.
But imagine if there was another way? Imagine your life feeling stress-free, healthy, wealthy, and truly alive and loving your life (and your business and your family). Because there is another way…
It is possible to slow down.
It is possible to take more care of yourself and create more ease.
It is possible to do this and still be an empowered, high achieving, go-getter.
But it is not possible without shining a light on some old stories and beliefs that might feel uncomfortable. To look at what’s been going on inside of you to produce the results outside of you. Because real change comes from the inside out- not teaching you more things to do, it’s more about peeling off layers of ‘stuff’ that is not serving you, and is inhibiting you from transforming into the person you truly are.
So it won’t be ‘easy’ but you don’t have to do it alone! And this is where people like you, high achievers, seekers, and visionaries know that when you get support the easier and quicker you get to the other side. Creating the life, your life.
So are you ready to coach with us?
Yes- if you are:
- Ambitious
- A High achiever
- A Dreamer
- You Know there is more for you but feel a bit stuck
- Sick of doing it all on your own
- Constant nagging feeling of it’s got to be easier than this!
And you:
- Commit to playing above the line being responsible, accountable, you take ownership and play for results.
- You will not play below the line in blame, denial, excuses or reasons.
- Open to new ways of thinking and possibilities of a better way
- Not after the quick fix or magic pill
- Willing to feel your feelings and aware of your thoughts
- You are all in and serious about your personal development
And, you might have done some seriously cool things and achieved some great stuff in your life, but you also know it’s your mindset that is the constant battle and you are sick and tired of being so hard on yourself and beating yourself up.
If you’re still not sure about taking the leap, and starting coaching with us (or even if you do know, but are feeling a huge amount of resistance), ask yourself this question:
Q: How much more struggle, frustration, difficult relationships, poor health and financial roller coasters are you willing to endure?
Have you fully considered what it’s going to cost you if you do nothing and stay stuck in struggle and frustration and overwhelm?
Where are you going to be in 6 months from now if you keep trying to do all the things to keep your relationship alive, continue to push through burnout in business/ career and refuse to take care of your health and mental wellbeing?
What kind of incredible and amazing life could you create for yourself?
What dollar amount would you put on that vision- what is it worth to you to have that life become real for you?
Could you even put a price on it if you knew the entire struggle and frustration would fall away while you create the best life, business and health available to you?
By investing in your personal development at this level, you are saying you are only available to more self –worth, self- respect, personal integrity and personal responsibility. You are saying YES to make yourself a priority in your own life.
How to work with us.
Touch base with us via email or phone call and we can have a chat and see if your needs meet our coaching offerings.
Your success is inevitable!