Join us for the transformative journey of the Awakened Women’s Workshop, where we embrace the wisdom of Paulo Coelho: “Maybe the journey isn’t about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you.”
In 2019, the inaugural Awakened Women’s Workshop set sail with a team of dedicated female facilitators: Dr. Bianca Dobson, Fi Galloway, and Katherine Farrant, supported by an inspiring community of women all seeking growth and authenticity.
Together, we delve into the depths of our souls, shedding layers of societal conditioning and uncovering the authentic essence of womanhood. It’s an opportunity to break free from the stories we’ve been told and explore who we truly are, beyond the masks we wear.
Throughout the workshop, we engage in self-reflection, empowerment, and trust-building exercises, fostering a profound sense of inner strength and confidence. We confront the burdens we carry, whether imposed by others or self-inflicted, and release them with compassion and courage.
Amidst laughter, tears, and shared experiences, we form deep connections and support each other on our individual journeys of self-discovery and growth. Join us and experience a profound shift in perspective, setting the stage for a brighter, more authentic life.
While our facilitators and crew may evolve over time, their stories remain woven into the fabric of our collective journey. We honor and cherish the trailblazing women who paved the way for us, standing tall on their shoulders as we reach new heights together.

It is time to AWAKEN the true power that lies within us all and to learn how to master that with real authenticity, strength and vulnerability. The Awakened Man Transformational Workshop is an incredibly powerful program where you will learn how to Awaken the true power that is within you. We dive deep into human psychology, behaviour, patterns and belief systems that have shaped your identity until now. This workshop helps you uncover what holds you back and what propels you forward into a life of the extraordinary!
This Workshop is about strengthening your inner game. It is an opportunity for you to see yourself in an entirely new light, and discover an EVEN better version of yourself. This is transformational learning at its best and this can be applied into all areas of your life. If you believe there’s more to life than you are currently experiencing, or are wanting to accelerate your life faster than you currently are, or want to be a better man, husband, partner, father, son, brother community member, employee, or business owner; then you may be ready to experience an Awakened way of living, and commit to being there!
You will also get to experience a brotherhood of men. These strong role models are from all walks of life and ages and you will be able to step into a community of Awakened Men, that will encourage, empower and support you. Something that is lacking in today’s culture…
This retreat is highly experiential. We have a very strong emphasis on learning by doing and as such, there is a very large experiential component and we play many games and do many activities. You won’t just LEARN how, you will practice BEING.
At our awakened retreats you will discover:
- The key secrets to live an incredibly powerful life
- How to master your fears to drive yourself forward
- How to live a life with true authenticity
- The masks we hide wear to hide our true self
- How to develop emotional availability
- How to empower and approve of yourself, rather than yearning for approval and recognition of others
- The secrets to being strong and confident
- How to respond to life by choice instead of reacting.
- How to have the courage to take action in spite of fear, doubt and worry
- How to breakthrough old belief systems that hold you back
- How to discover your true identity
Can’t wait to see you there!
The awakened blueprint

So what is the Awakened Blueprint?
We need a favour!
We’re looking for people to join our new updated program for us, who we can work with to help create more certainty, more connection and more purpose in their lives in the next 90 days.
What do we need from you?
We need a testimonial after the program sharing how well you did, and also any feedback on the program to make it even better, in return you’ll get access to our program for 60% off.
What’s included?
- The “Identity Reprogrammer System” 5 powerful steps to change any mindset and program a new identity
- The “Money Maker Changer” method where we show you how to create an abundance of wealth.
- Discover the “Connected Love Process” where we help you identify the stories you say about relationships and help you create better and deeper connections with those around you and the 4 questions you NEED to answer.
- 12 weekly zoom calls (Q and A, and new material each week)
- Weekly home play to prepare you and personalise each week FOR YOU
- Access to our private Facebook group with coaches actively involved and responding to questions
- 1 x 1-on-1 30 minute discovery coaching session with one of our experienced and expert life coaches
- And LOADS more
If you want to take advantage of this then send me an email and we’ll be in touch for a chat – but get in quick as I can only work with a selct group of people on this project!
Now that you have read this email, and later today, when your picking your kids up from school, or busy at work, you might start thinking; ‘What am I doing right now for my own personal growth?’
And if you haven’t got something lined up yet, or haven’t searched around to find the ‘right thing’ or the ‘best program’, remember this email, the BLUEPRINT, landing in your inbox, on a silver platter, ready for you to jump in and start!
The awakened teenage blueprint

An online AWAKENED TEEN BLUEPRINT is for teenagers 12-17 YO. A group zoom, 6 week program to help you discover your identity, break through barriers and give you the confidence and clarity you need to propel you through to adulthood. This is a great opportunity to learn and grow and develop further skills in life to get a head start on building your lifeskill and creating self awareness, and understanding why you do what you do.
The freedom workshop

This new, exciting and innovative event is an opportunity to explore yourself further, with information and learnings a plenty. All you have to do is show up! This event is completed in a few formats, including 8hr, 3hr, and webinar style. The event is run across Australia, at various locations.
We provide a great deal of information and the topics that are covered include –
-change – the rate of change and why change can be challenging
-the armour we wear and how it serves us
-living life on purpose, and as you choose
-how values shape us
-facing your fears
-how to be emotionally available
This live event is jam packed, full of great learnings and self discovery with Planet Personal Growth, and is a great lead in to our AWAKENED WOMAN and AWAKENED MAN 3.5 day live in events and our AWAKENED BLUEPRINT online program.
Has someone spoken to you about our events? Not sure if it is for you? Well this is the start of a great journey of self discovery, to open you up to a world of possibilities, and getting you on track to live your best life.
This event is not to be missed and is a perfect window into what we do, so if you are interested or even just curious in what we do, come and check it out!